


My Gaming Device is Mine: Is Big Gaming letting us play?

Are gamers getting a fair shake, or are console giants holding all the cards? We unravel these dynamics and explore competitiveness in gaming

Thu | Apr 25 |



Thu April 25 2024 15:00:00 GMT+0200





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Gaming’s dominance sparks debates on fairness, safety, and competitiveness of the industry, with console giants possibly shutting out other hardware and software and keeping players in a walled gaming garden. Are players getting a fair shake, or are console giants holding all the cards? Let’s unravel these dynamics during our webinar and explore the fairness of consumer restrictions in the name of security and anti-forgery

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Rick Gibson

Games Investor Consulting

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Jari-Pekka Kaleva

Managing Director, European Games Developer Federation (EGDF)

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Natasha Pearman

Partner, Milberg London LLP

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Friso Bostoen

Assistant Professor at Tilburg University

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Top questions:


Are the big platform players taking advantage of their position to restrict competition? Or do big gaming companies keep themselves on their toes?


Is it fair that consumers are facing restrictions on device use and add ons in the name of security and anti-forgery?


Are gaming platforms’ appstores following the path of Apple and Google, or will they demonstrate more value and less pass-on to consumers?


Will cloud gaming, VR and the metaverse create a new playing field, or will we see a hard fight back to keep walled gardens in place?