
We've crafted an exhilarating program just for you!


We’ve assembled a dynamic program designed to captivate and inspire you throughout.

Venue: Palazzo Valentini – Aula Consiliare “Giorgio Fregosi” – Via IV Novembre 119/a – 000187 ROMA

08:30 CET
Welcome and Networking
09:10 CET
Special Greetings: Prof. Roberto Gualtieri – Metropolitan Mayor of Rome
09:20 CET
Institutional Opening: - Antonio Balhanas, Euroconsumers CEO
09:40 CET
Keynote Speaker: ALEC ROSS - The multiple Impacts of Technology and Innovation on Democracy and Markets as a Whole and on Consumers (and its organisations) in Particular
10:25 CET
Silvia Borrelli fireside chats with leaders of global market players: VODAFONE - Anita Orban, Public Affairs & ESG Director at Vodafone
10:50 CET
Keynote Speaker: PAULO PORTAS- What's Ahead in the Geopolitical Front and the Possible Changes in Consumption Relations
11:35 CET
Silvia Borrelli fireside chats with leaders of global market players: Mario Pezzotti, Commissioner at CREA (Agriculture Research and Agricultural Economics Analysis) and Marc Aupetitgendre, Head of Marketing Region EMEA at BAYER
12:10 CET
ALTROCONSUMO's 50th ANNIVERSARY SESSION - Paolo Martinello, President of the Altroconsumo Foundation, Federico Cavallo, Head of Public Affairs and Media Relations Altroconsumo, Paolo Iabichino, Creative Director, Founder Civic Brands Observatory with Ipsos, Stefano Bartezzaghi, Writer and semiologist
13:10 - 14:10 CET
Lunch Break
14:20 CET
Keynote Speaker: CARLO ALBERTO CARNEVALE-MAFFE - Where is the Global Economy Going after Everything ( Covid, Inflation, ChatGPT etc.)
15:05 CET
Silvia Borrelli fireside chats with leaders of global market players: Melissa Ferretti Peretti, Country Manager and VP of Google Italy
15:30 CET
Keynote Speaker: CARLO RATTI - The Digital Urbis and its Market
16:15 CET
Silvia Borrelli in fireside chats with leaders of global market players: Lucy Cronin, EU Vice President for Public Affairs at AMAZON
16:40 CET
Launching of Euroconsumers Manifesto - Els Bruggeman, Head Advocacy and Enforcement, Euroconsumers
17:00 CET
Euroconsumers Contest Award - Winner announcement
17:10 CET
Wrap up with Marco Pierani, Director Public Affairs Euroconsumers