


The future of scams: AI enters the ring

Online scams are becoming endemic and cybercriminals have a free run at consumers. AI is helping fraudsters but can it also help to fight back cybercrime?

Wed | Nov 08 |



Wed November 08 2023 15:00:00 GMT+0200





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Online scams are becoming endemic and cybercriminals have a free run at consumers. New technology like AI can be weaponized to fake voices and faces, to learn even more about people’s behaviour and to ramp up the scale of fraud. Yet in enforcers and consumers’ hands AI can also lead the fight back, with for example, mass scale monitoring and automated takedowns of suspicious sites and links.
This month’s Start Talking will discuss new technology front in the battle to win back the internet from scams.

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Jorij Abraham

Managing Director, Global Anti-Scam Alliance 

See on LinkedIn

Brent Carey

CEO, Netsafe New Zealand 

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Hannah Shimko

CEO, Online Dating Association

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Top questions:


How does the industrial scale online consumer scam infrastructure function and how is new technology changing it?


Will GenAI change scams forever - what future strategies and plays can we expect from fraudsters?


Can we use AI as ‘technology for good’ help to respond, deflect or enforce against scammers?


How can we raise consumer awareness and tool people up for the online world - what role does AI and tech have here?


Can we apply lessons from how generative AI is impacting on other online challenges like disinformation?



Only 7% of all scams are currently reported to organisations who, unfortunately, do not share this data. Therefore, we do not have a unified picture. The other reason why we don't have enough evidence is the reluctance of people to report that they've been victims of scam


Jorij Abraham

Managing Director, Global Anti-Scam Alliance (GASA)


With the advent of high-quality #AI content, we are concerned about more sophisticated fraudulent dating scams, such as fake images or profiles. This means dating services will need to step our anti-fraud game & support consumers to have healthy and safe dating experiences


Hannah Shimko

CEO, Online Dating Association


We launched the Netsafe Lab that builds and tests tools & infrastructure to support online safety activities. As a concrete example, we developed 'Rescam' to help people counter scammers by using AI to create an endless loop of scammers conversing with automated bots.


Brent Carey

CEO, Netsafe New Zealand
